Nous parlons de nous

La Plantagenet Group est une association économique indépendante, qui existe depuis plus de 100 ans.

Elle gérer des biens divers, de valeurs de plusieurs milliards US$. Dans cette association on trouve quelques grandes banques, des importantes institutions financières et des entreprises familiales bien connues.

Des renseignements additionnels peuvent être obtenus chez Dun et Bradstreet, le centre des informations internationales sur les affaires financières.


Une affaire principale est l’achat des matériaux bruts et leur mise en dépôt.

Les achats seront accomplis exclusivement en accordance avec actuel Rapaport réduction tarif et en discrétion. Premièrement la marchandise doit être mise en évidence. Zurich est la place préférée pour les transactions. Des autres locations seront considérées uniquement en cas de présence des mécanismes de la sécurité garantis et satisfaisants.

Tout les modes de liquidations sont pensable, mais le paiement actuel sera exécuté au moment, que la marchandise est arrivée en bonne sécurité à la place d’arrivage accordée.

Conditions d’achat

Chaque pierre brute devrait avoir 3 carats ou plus, la couleur blanche ou près que blanche et une qualité, qu’on peut tailler. (Des pierres, qui sont petits de 20% peuvent être acceptées dans une offerte. Mais nous n’achetons pas des pierres de qualité industrielles ou des pierres cherchées par les collectionneurs.)

Nous garantissons, que à tout moment le groupe sera en état et aura la volonté d’acheter telles émises sans limitations en haute quantités si

  1. l’offre s’oriente aux prix d’achat de Rapaport réduction tarif actuel et
  2. les offres seront transportées à Allemagne ou Malca Amit, FTZ Zurich, Suisse et
  3. l’évaluation sera justifié par nous experts expériences avec CSO.

Le payement se ferra immédiatement après les évaluations et la conclusion sur les prix selon vos désires.

Pas d’avances!



Q. Robert Dean – Senior Executive – Chief Mandate

Est directeur en retraite d’une Sheffield Steel Plante pour la production du fer acier avec des meilleures connections vers des industries du fer acier et d’énergie.

Robert a étudié en Glasgow Université. Il est membre du Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland et plusieurs respecte international Club écossais avec des connections mondiales et confidentiel vers deys sujets divers. Il est jusqu’ aujourd’hui demandé pour des conseils et de support par sa branche originaire.


R. Edgar M. Glocker – Senior Executive – Chief Officer Agent and Broker Department

Edgar est directeur en retraite d’une entreprise coopérative en Namibie, qui exporte des pierres précieuses en couleurs, avec des meilleures connections internationale vers des entreprises Européennes des tailleurs de pierre précieuses.

Il a étudié en TU München. Il est membre des associations nombreuses des sujets divers et grâce ces contactes il peut placer des opérations diverses confidentiellement.

Chaque exécutif travaille encore dans son métier comme consultant international.

Le Département d’Agent et Broker est une organisation hors de la Plantagenet Group et sert le Groupe comme un fournisseur traditionnel.


The late William J. Shearman – Former Chief Executive – Chief Banking and Financial Officer

In 1967, William Shearman, who died on 17.June 2005 of cancer aged 67, was confronted by the plight of homeless people in the East End of London. He thought that the existence of homelessness in a rich western country was an »obscenity«. The result was that he founded the charity, Crisis.

He was a reforming Conservative and humanist who founded the homeless charity »Crisis«.

Reconnue Agents en et pour l’Afrique


John M. Riggs

PO BOX 958, SEAPOINT, 8051 Cape Town, SA

+27 (0) 78 004 2200

English speaking so as Afrikaans


Kaeno Jejamaije Mujoro

3218 Martin Neib Street, Okahandja-NAMIBIA

+264 81 7484460

English speaking so as Afrikaans and various African Local languages


Andrae Fuchs

Spenglerstraße 2, 4072 Alkoven, Austria

+43 664 1358469

German, English speaking

Veuillez prendre contact avec un des nos agents affiliés-qui sont tout personnellement des chefs d’entreprise établis et reconnus-afin de discuter toute offre digne d’intérêt pour vous ou le Groupe Plantagenet.

Tout communication sera traitée sous le sceau de la confidentialité la plus totale, et accomplie et fixe par un Senior Executive.

Evaluation of Rough Diamonds begins with sorting!

The very first is to separate the rough diamonds from the waste material, so as to wash and to clean.

From there they are ready to be sorted into three different varieties:

Bort – opaque stones, the lowest quality of diamonds are crushed to produce the dust used for polishing cut diamonds

Industrial – unsuitable gem diamonds, valued for their hardness and thermal conductivity. Industrial diamonds are still good quality.

Yellow is the preferred colour as yellow stones tend to be harder. They are used for drill bits and other cutting and grinding tools.

Cuttables – gem quality diamonds destined for the Jewellery industry, are then sorted into three further categories:

The common basis in the trade is:

All Things Being Relative!

Remember, you should only pay for a rough stone, a price which is relative to the value of the polished stone (or stones) which can be recovered from it.

For evaluating a piece of rough to market price, it should be set out in a table format (for example – Excel) according to the approximate lower colour, clarity and stone shape!

Start by testing that the stone is really a diamond.

Mohs scale does not lie! So scratch your stone with a diamond pin. (Being used to mark glass by scratching in Laboratories) Diamonds will not show scratches so if any scratches appear, you will know it is something different.

Remember where there is value there can be falsifications too.

The evaluation procedure is as follows:

Sizes are divided into five further subcategories.

  1. Decide on shape of the rough diamond

    Sawable One represents a nicely bordered octahedron or a dodecahedron that can easily be sawn and will yield two polished stones, which will give a recovery weight of min. 50% + even “x”

    Sawable Two is a slightly irregular octahedron (sharp edged!) or a dodecahedron (long!), or a glassy octahedron, or a normal shaped octahedron with a gletz/spot near to side which can normally be polished out, and will yield two polished stones, which will give a recovery weight of min. 45% + even “x”

    Makeable One represents an irregular octa-/dodecahedron (slightly flattened shaped stone) that has formed a natural table (two or three point), or a broken octa-/dodecahedron (topped/four point) that will yield one polished stone with a recovery weight of min.33% + even “x”.

    Makeable Two represents a cleavage (broken piece) or a longish stone of less determinable shape that will yield one polished stone with a recovery weight of min. 30% + even “x”.

    Flats represent macles (a flattish triangular stone with a twinning seam around the edge), chips (broken pieces) and flat stones which have sufficient depth to yield one polished stone with a recovery weight of 20% + even “x”

    So you may speculate already on the recovering size of the polished stone (or stones) which can be recovered from it not regarding specific individual internal qualifications.

  2. Decide on the fluorescence of the rough diamond

    Faint, medium, strong very strong into the blue or into the yellow.

  3. Decide on the colour of the rough diamond

    Put the rough stone against a flat white background and compare the white of the background against the white you see through the rough diamond. A colourless diamond will still be white against the flat white background.

    Exceptional white is absolute colourless which covers the GIA determination in the polished stones D, E, F

    Rare white is colourless which covers the GIA determination in the polished stones G, H

    Slightly tinted white is a small hue to the yellow which covers the GIA determination in the polished stones I,J,K

    Tinted white is a hue to the yellow which covers the GIA determination in the polished stones L, M.

  4. Decide on the purity of the rough diamond

    This is to find relevant inclusions: e.g. crystalline inclusions, carbon inclusions, pinpoints, clouds, fractures, cleavages (feathers, bearding, fissures), some kinds of structure phenomena, poor transparency of the diamond.

    Use a tweezer with 4-5 fingers to pick the rough stone and put it on a milk glass pane give poor light from the bottom up and inspect with a magnifier by twisting the stone.

    If you cannot determine anything because you cannot see into the diamond because of frosty surface or very poor transparency, do not buy! (Beside it’s not more than 1% of the parcel which does not affect any significant changes in price.)

  5. Weigh the rough diamond so as to measure its diameter.

    Please consider the factor: e.g. a 1.0 carat polished stone is in ideal cut range of a girdle-diameter at 6.5mm. Such 6.5mm for the polished are requiring a bit more space in the rough.

    Carat is weight but cut dimensions are in Millimeter, Diameter as Depth over all.

By above discussed characteristics you may calculate already the price of the rough stone (stones) in your hands.

Look up the price in the Rapaport Price List for a polished stone you have determined. Please recognize the small frames within the blocks, e.g. polished colours D,E,F within 1 frame so as G,H so as I,J,K , equivalent in the clarities and evaluate on the poorest co-ordinates within such frames.

Generally, each stone is evaluated separately but if you have several stones with the same characteristics in the same weight range, you can evaluate them as a group.

After you have looked up the price for your determined polished stone in the Rapaport Price List, you know the relative price to your rough stone. Relative - for there is not simply a Price List existing there is a Discount List too. That is the Market Price for your polished stone is varying within a range of up to 45% Discount (sometimes even more, depending on the ultimate consumers’ demand), so as you need to calculate further - there is a basic rule in the trade, which you please keep in mind:

The price of the rough diamond must not exceed (significantly) the 1/3 part of the polished stone’s price (or stones) which can be recovered of it.

That is: You deduct up to 45% of the figure in the Rapaport Price List (prices are in Hundreds of US$/ct) and divide it by 3 so you get a reasonable price of the rough diamond in your hands. If you need the price per carat you need to divide once more by the stone’s weight in carat.

If you do not have the Rapaport Lists look up prices asked on relative polished stones in the internet at international sellers of polished stones, e.g. 77diamonds, London. Remember to deduct inclusive services such as VAT in such prices.

Evaluation starts with sorting, that’s the key to get accurate prices in the rough!

Our requirements to your offer

We welcome your Manifest made out on an Excel Spreadsheet, as follows

Pos Carat range shape colour $/ct ct pos price pos

which we check and after satisfactory we will invite you. Please do not forget to add a photo of that you intend to deliver showing in daylight stones incl. a ruler.

Please consider we require for a first delivery, not more than 500 – 1,000 ct and prefer such stones in the range being representative for your source.

Démarcheurs des opérations


D' "Agent et Broker Departement" pour nos agents et rapporteurs

Q. Robert Dean

+44 141 339 9074

Sketch at Institute of Chartered Accountants Scotland (ICAS) reception


R. Edgar M. Glocker

+49 7950 800 9160


Deutschsprachige Anliegen bitte ausschließlich an REM Glocker!

Mentions légales

Responsable pour contenu

R. Edgar M. Glocker

Schleifweg 1
91625 Schnelldorf

+49 7950 800 9160
+49 321 2126 7635